Indonesian Financial Review <p>The intent of the Editors of The Indonesia Financial Review is to discuss, to explore, and to disseminate the latest issues and developments in Empirical <strong>Financial Economics </strong><a href=""><strong>(JEL classification: G)</strong></a><strong> </strong>particularly those related to financial frictions in the <strong>Emerging Markets. The others </strong>are accepted such as capital markets, financial institutions and services, corporate finance, risk modeling and management, market microstructure in financial markets, Islamic finance, behavioral finance, and financial crisis.</p> Yayasan Pendidikan Penelitian Pengabdian Al-amsi en-US Indonesian Financial Review 2807-3886 The impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the influence of world oil and world gold on the ASEAN-5 Indexes <p>In ASEAN are 5 stock markets which have often been studied in previous financial research. The five countries are Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore. This research was tested based on the events of the Ukraine-Russia war because this war had the impact of not achieving world economic growth of no greater than 5%.The aim of this research is to examine changes in world oil prices and changes in world gold prices against the ASEAN-5 indexes. Research data comes from Variable X1 is changes in world oil prices. Variable X2 is the change in world gold prices. Variable Y is the ASEAN-5 Index. The ASEAN-5 Index countries are Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. The data processing technique is panel data. The result is the best random effect. Changes in world oil prices and world gold prices influence changes in the ASEAN-5 Indexes.</p> Iman Lubis Lubis Arif Surahman Nani Rusnaeni Copyright (c) 2023 Iman Lubis Lubis, Arif Surahman, Nani Rusnaeni 2023-12-26 2023-12-26 3 2 87 99 The Influence of Technological Progress on Regional Income Inequality in Indonesia <p>The aim of this research is to determine the influence of technology on regional economic development as well as prove whether technology can cause income inequality in Indonesia. This research method uses panel data regression estimation. Panel data is a combination of cross section and time series data. Meanwhile, a technology index was calculated based on indicators of smartphone, internet and computer use to see the characteristics of the technological dimensions of each province in Indonesia. The data used is secondary data from provinces throughout Indonesia for the 2016-2022 time period. The data source was taken from the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency. The panel data regression estimation results are estimated smartphone owners ratio and computer user rasio do not affect regional income inequality significantly meanwhile internet access rasio affect regional income inequality partially. All variables affected regional Income simultaneously or tecnological progress has affected regional income inequality in Indonesia.</p> Achmad Nur Sholeh nefo Indra Nizar ahmad Nazir Copyright (c) 2023 Achmad Nur Sholeh, nefo Indra Nizar, ahmad Nazir 2024-03-05 2024-03-05 3 2 100 115